Ouyen Livestock Exchange PIC: 3SYDG490

Welcome to Ouyen Livestock Exchange


Ouyen Livestock Exchange Inc. is a fully accredited sheep saleyard that operates under the National Saleyard Quality Assurance Program (NSQA).


Ouyen Livestock Exchange is a member of the Australian Livestock Saleyards Association (ALSA) and is also MSA accredited.


Fortnightly Sales are held throughout the year with extra sales held during the Spring flush.


Sales commence on Thursdays at 9:30am.


Features include:

  • Double bay truckwash
  • Kiosk
  • Shower

Manager: Colin Mole 0427524460

Assistant Manager: Liam Vine 0475363111


Selling Agents:

BR&C/ Nutrien Ag: Rory Singleton 0428 316 368

Elders: Eli Koch 0409 698 713

McKean McGregor Mildura : Kieran O'Shannessey 0459 209 876